The guides on this page will explain the process of integrating with Osmosis.
📄️ Introduction
The guides on this page will explain the process of integrating with Osmosis.
📄️ Airdrop Guide
📄️ Osmosis Zone Front End
How to Add Assets onto the Osmosis Assets Page
📄️ Liquidity Mining Incentives
There are many ways pools on Osmosis can reward liquidity mining incentives. One way is through (internal) Osmosis Liquidity Mining; Osmosis allocates 45% of its inflation to incentivize users to bond their liquidity on Osmosis. In addition, Osmosis allows for the permissionless creation of (external) liquidity mining gauges, allowing projects to add thier own rewards to further incentivize users to provide liquidity into a pool.
📄️ Creating a LBP
The below is an example of the pool.json file for a liquidity bootstrapping pool.
📄️ Liquidity
Options for Intial Liquidity
📄️ Marketing
About the Osmosis Ministry of Marketing
📄️ Registration
How to Register onto the Cosmos Chain Registry
📄️ Token Listings
How to create a new pool with IBC assets